History of UniMAP
UniMAP Background History
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is Malaysia's 17th public institution of higher learning. It was approved by the Malaysian Cabinet on May 2001. Originally known as Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM), or Northern Malaysia University College of Engineering, it was renamed as Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) in February 2007. The first intake consisted of 116 engineering students who started classes on June 2002. Currently, UniMAP has approximately 11,000 students and a workforce of more than 1,700 academic and non-academic staff members. It offers 21 undergraduate programmes that lead to Bachelor in Engineering, one undergraduate programmes that leads to an Engineering Technology degree and two undergraduate programmes that lead to a Bachelor in Business. We also offers six Diploma in Engineering programmes and 13 postgraduate programmes that lead to Master of Science in Engineering and PhD degrees.
UniMAP graduates are nurtured to become competent practitioners in their area of specialization and to have the confidence to explore entrepreneurial possibilities upon graduation. They are expected to not only exhibit excellence in the knowledge and skills that are directly related to their specialized fields of study, but also to demonstrate outstanding proficiency in both communication and ICT skills, as well as possess unsurpassed traits of professionalism and patriotism.
Most of the enginneering programmes at UniMAP have an electronic-based focus. However, both basic and applied studies on other fields of engineering and technology that support the advancement of engineering are also actively pursued here. In addition, International Business, Engineering Entrepreneurship and an MBA in Engineering Management are also on offer. The International Business programme is designed to produce global-business leaders who could function and compete effectively in the globalized market place. The Engineering Entrepreneursip programme aims to equip today's generation of 'technopreneurs' with an excellent entrepreneurial knowledge on managing industrial and technology-based businesses, whilst the MBA in Engineering Management is designed to produce competent managers for the engineering and technology sectors.
UniMAP Logo
The UniMAP logo is adopted from the original KUKUM logo. It was formulated by a special committee in 2003. The preservation of the original look shows that the university preserves its original values and philosophy formulated during the birth of KUKUM.
In 2003, a competition was carried out to collect logo ideas from the University staff. After reviewing the entries, the committee decided that the designs submitted did not reflect KUKUM's aspirations and phisolophy. Hence, modifications were imposed on some shortlisted logos, resulting in a few alternatives.
The logo mirrors UniMAP's position of a dynamic engineering, scientific, and innovative university. It strives to be at the forefront of knowledge, both locally as well as internationally. The aero-dynamic shape represents dynamism and globalisation, while the 14 yellow circles within the silver layers are reminiscent of objects in science fiction, echoing the University's space-age inclination. Fourteen is the number of states in Malaysia. The yellow circles seem to be in motion, especially towards the north, signifying readiness to address numerous challenges it face on daily basis. The shapes of atomic orbits are repeated within the logo, emphasising UniMAP's association with all things engineering, scientific, and technology.
When KUKUM changed its name to UniMAP, it was agreed that the concept an idea of the logo should not be changed, so as to indicate that the original idea and inspiration of the University remains integral. The logo type 'UniMAP' is designed so as to appear more dynamic and carries within it the philosophy it contains. The yellow italic 'ni' means 'nilai insan', which is essentially 'human values' that the Univesity hopes to embed amongst its denizens.
The logo has three colours blue, yellow and silver. These are UniMAP's corporate colours. Blue is related to nature, knowledge, harmony, discipline, and the field of engineering and sincerity. Yellow is connected to excellent, life, and Perlis' sovereignty.
The three silver layers in the logo embody a sense of movement and balance between engineering, dynamism and energy. The silver triangles at the corner of the U, M, and P letters in the logotype speak for the three core values of the University – namely knowledge, sincerity, and excellence.
The official use of the new logo started in 2007.
UniMAP Mission and Vision
To produce a holistic human capital that contributes to the nation's development and industrial competitiveness agenda
An internationally competitive academic and research institution
Core Values
Knowledge, Sincerity, Excellence
Official Web Portal